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Privacy Policy

To follow the law of many countries,
I have to describe what information I collect from you via the site,
and how to use and protect it. So please take a look

- Taku

When do I take your personal information?

I have to take some of your information in some cases:

-I have to take your payment detail when you buy some products via the site

However it won't be used or shared for anything or anyone else.

So I will not make you a trouble.
Because it will make me a big trouble.


This website accepts Third-party companies to serve ads. They might collect some of your information when you visit this site. But it won't be shared with me

Links to other websites​

This website has some links to other websites.
However, I cannot be responsible about what will happen once you moved to the other sites.
I do not have a control with other sites. So please watch their privacy policies especially if you provide some personal information to them. 

Careful about fake persons / accounts

This is the only one CHEF'S LABO website.
I might sell some products, but it will be only sold on this website.
I will not sell anything on Third-party platforms unless I announce on this website or my YouTube channel. (except the shops I place direct link in the site. ex: Spring)

If you see a different website under the name of me or CHEF'S LABO, it must be a fake.
So do not provide your personal detail, or buy anything from them. I cannot be responsible if you had a trouble with them because I do not have control with other websites like it was written on above. Again, this is the only one CHEF'S LABO website. And I am the only one Japanese chef who makes the contents about CHEF'S LABO.


©2022 by CHEF'S LABO.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

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