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Kombu (昆布)
Kombu (Dried kelp) is a key ingredients for Japanese cuisine.
Here is a guide about what it is, how to use it, and what is the substitute.

What is Kombu?

Kombu (昆布 / こんぶ) is a dried seaweed which is used for many different things in Japanese cuisine.
It hardly have any characteristic taste or flavour, but it really boosts umami of the foods. So it works as natural MSG.
By the way, Japanese brands are so expensive in here Australia.
So I usually buy Korean brand which is cheaper, but works great.

How to use Kombu?

Usually, kombu is soaked in water to make its stock called "Kombu Dashi".
(昆布出汁 / こんぶだし)
*Dashi means stock in Japanese.
After soaking few hours to overnight, it's typically used for soup dishes or slow cooking dishes just like the way western cuisine use its stock.
The other example is "Ichiban Dashi'.
(一番出汁 / いちばんだし)
It means "First stock".
It is a combination of warmed kombu dashi and bonito flakes.
This is the most important Japanese stock, and the heart of many traditional dishes.

Is there any substitute for kombu?

To replace kombu, you can use Kombu dashi powder instead. (Or MSG)
It is powdered kombu dashi, so basically it works almost as the same.
You might wonder "How much dashi powder should I use to replace kombu?", but it could be depending on the brand. So check the packet instruction.
If you are still not sure, just start from the half amount of what the recipe says. And taste it, then add more if you think it's necessary.
Unlike the real kombu, it doesn't have to be soaked in water for hours. So take it easy.

You might find dashi powder like these ones. But these are different type of dashi powders.
It has bonito flake flavour in it (like the picture shows)
So it's not as neutral as kombu dashi powder on the taste, but it still does the job for most cases. But if you are looking for the replacement of bonito flakes (for making "Ichiban dashi"), this is what you can use.
However, if you are planning to use bonito flake as it is (like my Furikake recipe), but need a substitute, unfortunately, there is no replacements.
The link for my Furikake recipe
If you have kombu, but don't have bonito flakes, and you want to make Ichiban dashi?
That case, you can just use the bonito dashi powder.
Or make kombu dashi, and add bonito dashi powder too.
Both will be fine.
Is there any other way to use Kombu?

I founded that the umami from kombu match well with any foods.
And I thought it would be great if I can use it for anything without adding water to it.
In western cuisines, it's common to add flavour to salt, and there are many types of them.
(ex: Smoked salt, Herb salt, Spice blended salt, etc)
I knew how to make them according to my experiences.
And one day, I came up with making my own special salt with kombu.
To make things easy for cooking at home, I simply blended salt and kombu in a food processor. (Salt 50g / 1.75oz + Kombu 4g / 0.15oz)
*(This recipe is for small handy food processor. If you have normal size food processor, you might need to make a bigger batch to fill up the machine enough. Otherwise it might not blitz well)

The result was great.
It dramatically changed all the foods I cooked.
It is pretty much like "The salt which already has MSG in it"
But it's lot more elegant in flavour, and nothing artificial.
This is the CHEF'S LABO’s signature seasoning, "Kombu salt".
Since I made it, I have been using it for most of my recipes.
It add umami to anything, but it does't affect on the taste at all.
It's such a game changer.
Should I not boil Kombu?
Lot of western people think you should never boil kombu as it will release bitterness.
However It's not quite true. In most western countries, there are some misunderstanding and confusion in this topic.
I don't know why but most western people only be taught about how to use kombu by the knowledge from "Ichiban Dashi” [一番出汁] (First stock. written as above)
However, we also have technique called "Niban Dashi" [二番出汁] (Second stock).
It's made with the leftover kombu and bonito flakes from Ichiban Dashi, and boil them for 5-10 mins (And add more fresh bonito flakes later)
If you work in fine dining restaurants and cooking something very delicate dishes (like Japanese clear broth "Osuimono" [お吸い物]), the tiny impurity or bitterness matters. So they use Ichiban Dashi for it. However they also use Niban Dashi for slow cooking dishes, miso soup, or as a flavour booster.
So just like many other things, there are certain ways for certain things.
"You should never boil kombu" is wrong.
Well then should we not boil kombu longer than 5-10mins?
What about some of my slow cooking and rice cooker recipes?
Yes, this is not traditional or authentic way of using kombu.
Maybe some Japanese chefs (especially old ones or the ones works in traditional Japanese restaurants) hate my recipes.
But if you already tried my recipes, you know it tastes good.
There was nothing wrong with bitterness or anything, right?
That's everything.
I never post recipes that I'm not happy with the taste.
I respect traditions, but not be bound by it.
If the recipe gives you better taste and easier process, I ignore how chefs (include myself) use things in restaurants. CHEF'S LABO produces professional level taste recipes, but it isn't a culinary school for who wants to be a full time chef in authentic Japanese restaurants.
But then why my slow cooking recipe works?
They are usually cooked with variety of ingredients and deep savouriness like Japanese curry roux, or combination of soy sauce, mirin etc. And the tiny impurity and bitteness from kombu is hidden by it.
Also, bitterness isn't an enemy.
It's one of the six major elements of taste (sweetness, sourness, saltiness, bitterness, umami, and fattiness), and it just needs to be balance.
Of course you can make it better by following traditional methods properly.
But there will be lot more work load, and I think it's not practical for most home cooks who have other job, school, kids, etc.
I want my recipes taste like a pro. But I want it as practical as possible.
This is the mindset behind my creations.
Hope this article helps!!
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